Hey there - Nick here

Collab. is exactly what the name infers - a platform for creative collaboration. This project finds its beginnings from years of working alongside talented colleagues and peers on inspiring projects. Currently, in addition to supporting Collab., I work full-time as a Senior Design Director in New York City for Original X Productions (formerly Superfly)- a production company in the experiential design space. I am a graduate of The New School, Parsons School of Design Master of Architecture program. Through my education at The New School, and my personal and professional design and making endeavors, I have honed a wide set of design and making skills that are evidenced in the following work. Having worked in exhibit design/ fabrication, experiential design, commercial real estate, conventional architecture, and retail design (Nike) I have a diverse range of design experiences. From analog design and making methods to digital creation and fabrication, I feel very comfortable moving between different mediums and methods of design. I am a design ‘Swiss Army Knife’ with a keen ability to pull out the right tool for any project. This site contains a wide variety of fun projects I have worked on in academic, professional, and freelance capacities.

Reach out and say hello, let’s make something cool together.




Obi Okolo, 2019